Tips for choosing transportation for your trip

Tips for choosing transportation for your tripTips for choosing transportation for your trip You've decided to go on a trip, you've rotated the globe, you've asked your acquaintances, and you've even chosen a place for yourself. That's a great decision! All that's left to do is solve the issues that travelers sometimes have trouble with.

Решите, на чем вы доберетесь до назначенного места. Вы поедете на машине, поездом, полетите? Опытные путешественники не советуют брать билеты турами и отправляться «дикарями» – так вы сэкономите деньги и построите интересную лично для себя программу путешествия

Отправляясь на машине, узнайте, в первую очередь, цены на топливо и как вы будете питаться во время дороги. Вы будете брать еду с собой или поедите в кафе у заправки? В случае второго, будьте на чеку, никто не отменял просроченных продуктов. Запаситесь лекарствами, и вперед! Если вы едете через границу, не забудьте взять все документы и запастись терпением. Обычно на границе застрять надолго – очень просто.

Everything is easier with the train. Most of us know how to choose the right seats in the car, and what products to take. When traveling by train, it's worth stocking up on topics to talk about or a list of why it's best not to talk to you. Almost all residents of the former Soviet Union know how often in trains many people want to talk about everything with a stranger and pour out his soul.

Think about it - is it worth taking an airplane where you can get by overland transport? But if you're confident in your choice of plane, think about the seating, it's usually the ones with the biggest problems.

If you want to read or look at the views, you're better off sitting by the porthole, but it's harder to get out of there. If you sit near the aisle, you're free to get out, but you'll get pinched all the time. The seats in the middle usually have pros and cons. And the disadvantages of the previous points. The seats after the emergency exit have more space, but these seats are not for children. Pets and carry-on luggage. The seats in front of the emergency exits are very uncomfortable - to all the disadvantages of the previous point are added fixed backrests. The seats in the front of the plane are usually occupied by passengers with children, so if you can't stand children, it's better to sit further away. Sitting in the tail is not as pleasant, but there is one significant advantage - in an accident you will suffer the least.

Thus, you have decided on the transport, picked up tickets or made a route on the map and hit the road. Have a good trip and have a good experience!

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