Отдых в Греции – выбор для поклонников истории

Greece is an ideal place for lovers of ancient history, romantic natures and just tourists who come here every year to relax, basking on the sea coast under the gentle rays and admiring the picturesque local nature.

The Greek landscape is heterogeneous and consists mainly of mountains, so ski tourism is well developed here. The local population is sensitive to their historical heritage, centuries-old traditions and culture, remembering the great rulers, bloody battles and lightning victories of ancient ancestors. Traces of those events can still be found in the ruins of thousands of years old buildings that attract tourists.

Многие влиятельные современные правящие династии в свое время зародились и получили активное развитие именно на Балканском полуострове. Древние города Греции были основаны несколько десятков веков назад и сегодня превратились в современные мегаполисы, в гонке технологий сумевшие сохранить дух античной эпохи и ничем не передаваемое очарование. Здесь жили и творили великие философы, мыслители, ученые мужи и государственные деятели – гордость не только греческого народа, но и всей человеческой цивилизации.

Holidays in Greece - a choice for fans of history In addition to historical cities, this country boasts many famous islands, each of which has already been chosen by travelers. In particular, no tourist can resist the picturesque landscapes of the Santorini archipelago. Among these islands there are really unique and inimitable ones, formed many millennia ago on the site of underwater spills of red-hot volcanic lava.

If the conversation turns to classical Greek architecture, the beautiful neat walls made of white stone immediately come to mind and have become a kind of trademark of holidays in Greece, depicted by travel companies on their advertising posters. For those who are going here for the first time, we recommend that you start your long journey from Athens, and then you will return here again and again.

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