On a long journey with an empty pocket

On a long journey with an empty pocket

Is it possible to travel without money today? You can.

Is it possible to get free lodging and food in a foreign city, or even abroad? You can.

The essence of the following material is not a survival guide in case of insolvency, but rather another way to spend a bright weekend.

Жить в большом городе – значит жить под его темп. И чем город больше, тем более бешеный его темп. И понятно, что жизнь в мегаполисе – это эстафета на сверх скоростях, в которой замедление бега равно поражению. Но проиграть можно намного быстрей, если не взять тайм аут и не перевести дыхание.

Vacation. Something you wait so long for and something that ends so quickly.

Everyone plans his vacation in his own way. It can be spent in a household routine, rearranging furniture, trying to put things in order. A popular option is to go to the cottage and practice with the household tools. It's also good to go out into nature and soak up the smoke from the campfire. Go to the sea, drive around cities, etc.

On a long journey with an empty pocket

Any option out of thousands possible is good if it helps you relax and forget about work, at least for a while.

Of course, the brightest vacation is the one after which you dream of going to work. There's nothing to say about it, you want to work, so you're tired of resting.

Ideal vacation should be unforgettable and the main thing during it to spend as little money as possible. For example, you can go on a trip. Expensive? It can be done for free.

Every person, at least once in his life went on a trip. It could be an ordinary trip from one city to another. But it's an adventure, albeit small.

Многие люди в поисках тех самых приключений и незабываемых впечатлений отправляются в дальний путь “зайцами”. Добираются из пункта “А” в пункт “Б” попутным транспортом. Это действительно увлекательно. Можно и прокатится хорошо, и мир посмотреть. Но самое главное, что это не повлечет за собой никаких затрат.

You can hitchhike through the whole of Europe, the main pain will be only the borders. Here, of course, there will be no freebies, and to cross it, you will still have to pay a little money.

On a long journey with an empty pocket

Добраться в нужное место можно двумя способами. Взять лист бумаги побольше, написать необходимое направление пожирнее и искать счастья у дороги. Это старый проверенный способ. Или же можно найти попутчика через интернет. На сегодняшний день это не проблема, так как существует множество сайтов для любителей такого туризма, на которых валом предложений. Платные объявления, в основном частных перевозчиков. А вот бесплатные – то, что нужно. Один из таких сайтов avtostopom. Often drivers, namely truckers, take hitchhikers to chat. Sometimes they're just afraid to fall asleep, and this way there's at least some kind of safety net. There are many occasions when they even treat you to lunch.

With lodging and food can also be solved with the help of Internet sites. For example, russian.hospitalityclub.org. But such resources, there will always be people who are happy to share shelter and food with you. As an option, to get something to eat, you can walk around the markets. You don't have to buy anything, you can just try it out. Also, for a little help, the seller will easily treat you to something tasty.

On a long journey with an empty pocket

As far as hygiene is concerned, there is no problem here. All you need to do is find a body of water. Of course, law enforcement officers are unlikely to calmly watch you soapy splashing in the fountain. So it is better to look for a lake or a river. If a car wash comes into sight, you can try your luck there too.

Naturally, a certain amount of money will make your trip easier. You can spend only on food and lodging. In any case, the savings are incredible, just on the move alone.

Very often, when thinking about a trip, you encounter financial difficulties. Sometimes there is little or no money, and it becomes clear that you can only dream of a trip. And sometimes money is just a pity. Well, you don't want to spend it, that's all!

Travel, in fact, is not as expensive as it seems. Moreover, if you discard the stereotype imposed by the various tour operators, to be smart and try a little bit, the money is not needed, and experience, believe me, you will gain a lot.

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