What to see in Belgium

Бельгия – это прекрасная и очень живописная страна, где сосредоточено большое количество исторических и культурных сооружений и памятников. Почти во всех ее городах имеются замки, соборы, крепости – исторические памятники средневековья. Бельгия навеивает мысли о рыцарях, доблести, принцессах, чести и любви. Именно здесь можно оторваться от реальности и вознестись в прекрасный и не лишенный чистоты мир.

What to see in Belgium

The capital of Belgium, Brussels is the main cultural and historical center of the country. "Pentagon" is called the old part of the city because the boulevards are laid out on the site of former defensive structures. In Brussels, there is the world-famous "Pissing Boy" fountain. But it's not the only one here. Walking through the streets of the capital, you can meet many other sculptures depicting the process of pissing. But don't let that put you off. It's just that the echoes of the past are a bit dissonant with our present. Take it for granted.

What to see in Belgium

The tour begins with the Grand Place and the Hôtel de Vil, the city's town hall. After a tour of the square, visitors are led to the Palais des Nations, the name of the Belgian Parliament. After getting acquainted with the political side of Belgium, guests of the capital will visit numerous museums: Erasmus of Rotterdam, St. Hubert Art Gallery, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Automobile Museum. Of particular note is the Brussels Mini-Park. This park contains exact replicas of 1/25 scale models of all of Europe's landmarks. For example, in the mini-park there is an exact copy of Big Ben, here its height is only four meters. This park is loved to visit not only adults, but also children. Be sure to come here! And you will not regret it!

What to see in Belgium

But the capital is not the only interesting place in Belgium. The city called Antwerp is also not far behind the capital in terms of cultural heritage. There are many interesting museums in this city. On the central square of Antwerp is the town hall, which consists of 4 floors. This town hall is interesting because during its construction there was a mix of different architectural styles: Italian and Flemish. The building is decorated with heraldic signs of the Spanish Habsburgs, the Dukes of Brabant and local McGraths.

The town of Waterloo is 15 kilometers from Brussels. This town is famous for the fact that at the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon finally lost the remnants of his army and retreated in search of salvation. Now a hill has been erected on the site of the battle, the top of which is decorated with a statue of a lion looking towards France. You can follow the course of the historic battle at the Wellington Museum or take part in the battle for one of the warring sides in the military-historical reconstruction of the battle.

What to see in Belgium

But surprisingly, it is not the capital of Belgium that has the most monuments. One of the richest in monuments is the city of Bruges. This city is famous for the Groningen Museum, in the hospital St. Jans Museum of Hans Memling is located, the market square is unique with its buildings of XIII century, the decoration of the city is an old watchtower 83 meters high. Many religious buildings are located in Bruges, such as the Basilica of the Blood of Christ, the Monastery of the Angels, the Church of St. James, the Gothic Church of Our Lady.

As you can see, Belgium is rich in monuments and architecture. There is a lot to see, something to raise from the depths of your memory from your history course. Here you find yourself in a very different world. In a world where kings still rule and beautiful princesses and ladies of the heart still live.

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