Rest in Baikal

Rest in Baikal

Байкал – уникальное место для всех поклонников туристического отдыха. Здесь Вас встретит неповторимая энергетика и привораживающая красота. Подобные эпитеты нельзя сравнить ни с чем подобным в мире.

The region of Lake Baikal has preserved the beautiful nature in the pristine beauty that was characteristic of it many centuries ago. This is a paradise, where it is quite easy to combine a pleasant vacation with an opportunity to travel.

Rest on Baikal has a beneficial effect on its guests. A person is transformed internally, he gets back the lost balance, and the flow of life forces is provided. Don't be surprised that having been here once, you will be drawn here again and again.

Байкал – это уникальный животный и растительный мир. А еще озеро славится своей чистейшей водой: в нем содержится до 20% мировых запасов пресной воды. Она имеет уникальный вкус и приносит пользу всему организму, хотя минеральных элементов в этой воде не так и много.

Rest in Baikal Tourist recreation on Lake Baikal is very popular. The vacationers can take a ride on a jet ski or explore the surrounding area on a quad bike. Well, you can just take a walk and enjoy the peculiarities of the unique nature. Also, Lake Baikal and the surrounding area is famous for the possibility of productive fishing.

Tourists who prefer active recreation in Baikal are also offered fascinating hiking tours on a variety of routes. It is easy to find a way to ride a bus. In any case, unforgettable memories are guaranteed.

Tourists are accommodated both at specialized tourist recreation centers and at hunting lodges or Mongolian yurts. It is also important that recreation in Baikal is available both in summer and in winter. Therefore, everyone will find something to his liking.

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