A visit to the Roman Colosseum

A visit to the Roman Colosseum

Probably no trip to Rome would pass without a visit to the Colosseum. The name of this Italian landmark translates as "enormous" or "colossal", this refers to the statue of Nero, which was located near the building.

When looking at the Roman Colosseum from the outside, it becomes clear that the building is three tiers, built in the shape of an ellipse, each tier supported by columns and 80 arches. Earlier, the arches of the upper levels had statues in them, which gave the structure a solemn appearance. There are three types of columns, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. At the performances the spectators of the Colosseum were arranged in strict accordance with their status. With a rigid hierarchy, tickets were provided free of charge. The best seats belonged to the emperor: his box and marble armchairs for his entourage were located on the podium, the lower tier. Further down were stone benches for patricians with their families and soldiers; at the highest level were wooden seats for ordinary townspeople, while slaves stood in the galleries.

The Roman Colosseum was built on the site of a lake near the residence of Nero. The huge arena accommodated more than 6,000 people, and even sea battles were held on it - water was supplied through a special system. The innovation in erecting the Colosseum was the tent that protected the spectators from the sun, which was pulled over the amphitheatre by sailors using a complex mechanism.

The Colosseum is a symbol of the former power of the Roman Empire; it is hard to imagine that it used to be an arena for bloody spectacles, where many people's fates were decided. The Colosseum is a symbol of the former might of the Roman Empire, and it is hard to imagine that it used to be a bloody arena where many people's destinies were decided.

Deep beneath the arena of the Roman Colosseum there were basement rooms with cages for the animals that took part in the violent performances, where they also took the wounded gladiators. Ancient Roman gladiators were very popular.

The approximate cost of a ticket for a walk around the Colosseum is about 12 euros, the price is the same for both children and adults. The ticket is valid for 2 days and is the same for the Palantine, the Forum and the Colosseum, to avoid long queues, it is best to buy it at the ticket office at the Palantine behind the Arch of Titus.

Колизей – это та достопримечательность, которая сделает ваш отдых в Риме не просто турпоездкой, а событием в жизни, о котором с трепетом будет вспоминаться на Родине.

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