Journey to Israel: The Christian Quarter in Jerusalem

The Christian quarter in Jerusalem began to be built around the Church of the Holy Sepulcher during Byzantine times. Nowadays, the size of the Christian quarter is twice as large as the Jewish quarter. Thousands of tourists visit this quarter of Jerusalem every year. After all, it was here that such a momentous event as the miraculous resurrection of Christ and trip to Israel cost which is not ruinous, will allow you to be close to this story.

The history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is extremely rich in various events. The temple was erected in 335. But in 1009 Caliph Hakim destroyed the Christian shrine. In 1012 the Byzantine Emperor Constantine financed the restoration of the temple. After 1114 the crusaders greatly expanded the temple. Then the temple was completely destroyed twice, but it was completely rebuilt twice.

In order to reach the basilica of the temple, it will be necessary to overcome the steep steps. At the foot of the Orthodox altar, Christians can touch the place where the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified stood. This place is marked with a silver star.

Journey to Israel: The Christian Quarter in Jerusalem Then the faithful will have to traverse narrow passages and winding corridors on their way to the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre. Here is the place of Christ's burial. It is covered with a marble slab from the 14th century. There is a crack in the marble slab - the builders of the temple deliberately damaged the slab to protect it from the Turkish marauders and a low cost trip to Israel will reveal all this to you.

The temple is divided among the six denominations of Christians, each of which is allocated specific hours for prayer and its own aisles.

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