Tourist trips to Israel have been popular for two decades

If anything, Israel is one of the richest countries in terms of historical heritage. Israel's past, as well as its turbulent present, has riveted the world's attention to this state. Since the entire Arab world declared war on Israel on the third day after the proclamation of its founding, only Saudi Arabia and Egypt have signed peace agreements with Israel. The rest of the Arab countries are constantly at war with Israel. All the same, this does not scare away the tourists, whose rush to Israel has been going on for decades. Small patch of land in the Middle East with a total area of about twenty thousand square kilometers, which holds a larger number of natural, religious and historical monuments than any other part of our planet. Every tourist center can provide you with the opportunity to purchase posters depicting the most amazing parts of this country.

Since Israel and the Russian Federation signed an agreement on visa-free travel, Russian tourists are visiting this country much more often, despite the fact that even before the Russians did not leave Israel without attention. Do not know what can attract Israel so much? On this topic, you can find a lot of information in search engines such as Google and Yandex. Just enter in the search box any query that interests you, such as "the sights of Israel" or "tourist trips to the Promised Land.

Tourist trips to Israel have been popular for two decades A separate topic is religious pilgrimage, as Israel is famous for its many holy sites of interest to Muslims, Catholics, as well as Orthodox Christians. Non-religious people can also find many reasons to travel to this country. Israel provides an opportunity not only to visit the sights, but also to improve their health in places like the Dead Sea, which is a unique natural formation. The level of salts in the Dead Sea is only one percent below Lake Assal in Djibouti, which is the saltiest lake in the world, but the Dead Sea area is slightly more than six times greater. The mineral composition of the Dead Sea's salts is very different from those of other seas. Given this fact, we can safely say that the Dead Sea is a unique therapeutic resort, where the therapeutic qualities are not only the water, but also the mud from its bed. Almost any problem related to the musculoskeletal system, skin and internal organs can be cured in this place.

In addition to the Dead Sea, Israel is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. This, of course, is not unusual, given the fact that to rest on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is also possible in countries such as Turkey and Egypt, the latter, in addition, also has access to the Red Sea. But Israel is the only state in the region, where there is an attitude toward tourists and service at European level. Arab countries often discourage our compatriots, which is indeed difficult to find in the Promised Land, which increases the attractiveness of Israel in the eyes of tourists.

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