Interesting excursions in Turkey

Turkey, is a country where traces of many great civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, Hittites and Ottomans, can be found. This is evidenced by the various monuments that can be found without much difficulty in any part of the country

Let's begin our interesting excursions in Turkey from Ankara, the capital of this state. Most tourists, once here, begin their tour with the Byzantine citadel of Hizar, which is located at the top of the hill. After traveling a few kilometers to the south, you can see the Mausoleum of Ataturk, a monumental building, which is a reduced size of the architecture of several Anatolian empires. Ankara in the era of the Roman Empire was quite a significant city, so Roman ruins are often found among the ruins of Muslim mosques and monuments of Muslim Anatolia.

Interesting excursions in Turkey Many tourists visit Istanbul, a city that is famous for its location on several continents - Asia and Europe. For two thousand years, the city was the capital of two great empires, Rome and Byzantium. Currently, Istanbul is a true guardian of the ancient values, architecture and history. Choosing interesting museum tours in Turkey, you can visit the following:

– археологический музей, где можно увидеть саркофаг Александра македонского;

– музей турецкой керамики – находится в павильоне Чинили Кёшк;

– музей турецкого и исламского искусств – это одна из самых грандиозных построек, созданная во времена османской империи;

– музей турецких ковров – собрание самых старинных ковровых изделий;

– военный музей – экспозиция военного снаряжения оттоманской армии.

There are many ancient palaces in Turkey, such as Topkara Palace, the seat of the Ottoman sultans. In this palace, everything is preserved as if you are transported a few centuries back: a beautiful palace garden, rooms of the castle, striking for their luxury, the room harem, the library. In the palace there is an exhibition of jewelry, clothing worn by sultans and courtiers, the exhibition of antique crystal, Chinese porcelain and silver.

Interesting excursions in Turkey Many mosques in Turkey are witnesses to the development of the Ottoman Empire: the Sultan-Ahmet Mosque or the Blue Mosque, the mosques of Eyüp, Fatih and others.

One of the most famous buildings in the world is the Temple of St. Sophia. This Orthodox temple has become a model for church buildings in many countries, including Kievan Rus, be sure to include it in your interesting tours in Turkey. Sofia of Kiev and Sofia of Novgorod, almost exact copies of the Turkish temple.

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