Dead Sea

Dead Sea

Lifeless Waters

The mystery of the Dead Sea has long been of great interest to scientists. There are similar bodies of water on Earth (for example, the world's saltiest lake, Assal), but it is the Dead Sea that attracts most attention, because it is written about these places in the Bible.

Because of the high concentration of salt in the Dead Sea water, no living organisms can live here, only certain types of bacteria. And, at the same time, the same reason makes the water extremely curative. Many tourists come here every year for recreation and treatment with mud and thermal baths.

Not far from the coast of the Dead Sea an amazing find has been discovered - the Qumran manuscripts. This artifact is a collection of over 600 manuscripts which prove that as early as 200 years before Christ, there was a Jewish sect of the Jesse. The Hesites espoused principles that are remarkably consistent with the commandments of the Gospel.

The lowest point of land.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is the deepest depression on the surface of the Earth (-417 m from sea level). It is estimated to be about 12,000 years old. For the first time its description can be found in the Bible, where it is called the "Salt Sea" that feeds the holy Jordan.

Ширина Мертвого моря (в самом широком месте – между Иудейской пустыней на западе и горами Моаб на востоке) – порядка 18 километров, а длина (с севера на юг) – около 80 км. Если провести не сложные подсчеты, то получим общую площадь моря – примерно 1200 кв.км. В центральной части глубина Мертвого моря составляет всего 10 м, но северная часть – намного глубже. Наиболее низкая точка дна глубже уровня Средиземного моря на 794 м.

По сути, Мертвое море не является «морем», это скорее озеро, здесь нет приливов и отливов, лишь сезонные изменения уровня воды. Мертвое море – бессточное, именно поэтому так высоко содержание соли. Вода, попадающая в него из реки Иордан, не уходит, а интенсивно испаряется под палящими лучами солнца, накапливая соли.

Thus, the Dead Sea is not very suitable for a beach holiday, but this place is very attractive for those interested in history and the unique properties of water.

What to see:

The region of Qumran, where the community of the Assei used to be located;

Dead Sea

Masada Fortress;

Hot springs, which are located in Ein Gedi;

Judean Desert;

Murabat Canyon;

The place where the city of Sodom used to be.

The climate here is subtropical, with an average temperature of about 25 degrees, but it happens and +50 degrees.

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