Plane, train or car

Planes, trains, and automobiles are the three most popular means of transportation for travelers. Often the choice is obvious: if we need to get across the ocean, then, of course, except for the plane, we have no available options. But there are times when it is possible to get to the desired part of the globe using all three means that we are considering today. So, let's dwell briefly on each of them.

1) Airplane. Perhaps the fastest and most modern way to travel. Airlines are expanding dynamically and it is easy to get to any country by air. Among the advantages of air travel I note the following: efficiency, comfort, mobility. But, of course, there are some disadvantages too. First, if you're flying through several countries, you lose the opportunity to visit it. Secondly, the relatively high cost of the ticket. Ideal for business travel and in some cases, and for the tourist.

2) Train. Ideal option (on par with the car), if you go with a good company. A cozy compartment and intimate conversations at night with the pounding of the wheels make the trip truly unforgettable. All the little things like "it's not comfortable to sleep" and "it's boring to sit" are compensated for by the cheerful companions. Also, it is very convenient that some trains stop in the cities. The tourist can go out, have lunch, and buy the latest issue of the local news paper. All of the above is not so great if you are traveling alone. That is the only disadvantage.

Plane, train or car 3) Car. Not a bad way to travel if you're traveling with your family. You can always stop and get something to eat. Also, you can even do two-day excursions in the cities you pass through. Of the obvious disadvantages is that one driver gets very tired while driving. The disadvantage is directly related to the drivers themselves. Otherwise, a convenient and budget-friendly option.

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