Fairytale Country - Egypt

Страна верблюдов и вечных пирамид – это Египет. Тур в Египет для россиян, как взрослая сказка: необычные приключения, восточный колорит, базары и ночные развлечения. Каир, Эль-Гуна, древняя Александрия – эти курорты давно полюбились многим отдыхающим.

Due to favorable climatic conditions, the season of active entertainment and recreation lasts all year round.

Cruises on the great river Nile are very attractive for tourists. Trips on water, the Egyptian pyramids are described in many works of art.

Among the variety of Egyptian cultural monuments, Luxor occupies a separate place. It is quite justifiably called as an open-air museum. Many ancient riches have survived to our time: the Valley of the Kings, the colossi of Memnon and ancient ruins. The weather in Luxor is dry and warm, with occasional light rain.

Города Египта сильно разнятся между собой. Столица Каир – оживленный и современный, бывшая столица Египта, Александрия – древняя и неторопливая, а шикарном Шарм-эль-шейхе расположен роскошный центр развлечений и самого дорогого отдыха.

To this we must add a variety of programs for active recreation (various excursions, diving, yachting, cruises). Egyptian national cuisine is so diverse that it suits both vegetarians and lovers of meat dishes. A large number of different spices and aromatic seasonings gives us a chance to get new taste sensations, but only they are all very spicy.

Fairytale Country - Egypt Отели Египта предоставляют не только изысканную восточную кухню, но европейские блюда. Гармоничное сочетание древней истории и современных достижений – таков сегодня Египет.

Proud Sphinxes, sandy beaches, sea and sun, pyramids and the huge Nile - all this is striking in its beauty.

Egypt is truly a "country of contrasts": cunning Bedouins and European tourists, huge hotels and cozy little restaurants, expensive cars and camels and old carts.

Maybe you'll get lucky and get to an Egyptian wedding and camel races, but you'll be sure to bargain hoarsely with a shopkeeper over trifles.

Уникальный Египет, с его духом арабского мира, жаркое солнце и ласкающее море – эта современная сказка доступна любому.

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