Diving in the Caribbean

Crystal clear water, warm sea, gentle sun against the picturesque shores and an amazing variety of underwater world and sea creatures - there are not so many such paradisiacal places on earth. The Bahamas is one of them. Here tourists are offered a wonderful vacation and an opportunity to admire the bright, amazingly beautiful world of the sea depths. That is why diving in the Caribbean is one of the priority areas of island tourism.

Diving in the Caribbean

The Bahamas has all the most unimaginable water activities and sports. But the real pride of the Caribbean is the fantastic underwater world. It attracts people from all over the world, those who are not indifferent to the beauty of the underwater Caribbean Sea.

Diving in the Caribbean, among corals and a pile of colorful tropical fish, is not only available to professionals. On average, the bottom of the Caribbean basin is about six meters, the most favorable conditions for the first dives of beginners. The sun warms the water up to the bottom and allows a good look at all the subtleties of life of the underwater inhabitants and the beauty of intricate underwater landscapes. It is noteworthy that the fish are not at all shy, and this allows you to make a lot of colorful pictures that will remind you of a wonderful holiday when you are at home.

Diving in the Caribbean

Diving in the Caribbean is extremely safe, which the organizers have taken care of. All dive sites for tourists are regularly monitored, they are thoroughly checked by specialists. And qualified instructors with a lot of experience are at the disposal of beginners. They will ensure the safety of your dives.

But professional divers are interested in large depths in wild places. The beauty of such areas cannot be observed by an ordinary person, which attracts a lot of fans of this occupation.

Diving in the Caribbean

Люди не единственные, кого манят подобные райские уголки планеты, ведь вода около Багамских островов – одна из самых прозрачных в мире, а температура здесь не опускается ниже 22 градусов, даже на глубине. Поэтому Карибы идеально подходят для размножения морской фауны. Морские глубины густо заселены различными морскими млекопитающими и диковинной рыбой. Например, дельфины афалины или пятнистые дельфины. А большие количества безобидных морских обитателей неизменно приводят сюда хищников. В результате по соседству с удивительными коралловыми рыбками здесь можно встретить дельфинов, ламантинов и даже акул. А дно моря обжили другие экзотические виды, такие как скаты, манты и стингреи.

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