Attractions in Hungary

Almost throughout the country there are historical, cultural and natural monuments of world significance. You can get acquainted with all the sights of Hungary, as well as excursions in Hungary, in the new catalogs of attractions and excursions.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Венгерская Академия Наук – старинное и значительное здание, построенное на площади Рузвельта в 1862-1864 годах. Форму, в стиле неоренессанса, здание приобрело согласно проекту строителя Штюлера из Берлина. В здании Академии есть множество официальных кабинетов и актовый зал, предоставляющий место для концертов, с картинами Кароя Лотца, Большую ценность в Академии представляет научная библиотека.

Attractions in HungaryGresham Palace

In 1907 the building of the palace was built. The secession style project was developed by the brothers Jozsef and Laszlo Vago, with the participation of Zsigmond Kwitner. The top of the facade is decorated with numerous stone sculptures and a bas-relief of Thomas Gresham, who is the founder of the London Stock Exchange. Now it houses the most expensive luxury hotel in the capital.

Westend City Center and West Station

Западный вокзал построен по проекту Густава Эйффеля – относится к одному из самых значимых памятников искусства. Ансамбль зданий “Westend Sity Center” был построен по соседству с вокзалом в 1999 году. В огромном комплексе, который формирует картину города, размещен закупочный центр, занимающий 60 тыс.кв.м. (с восхитительным водопадом). Здесь 14-ти зальный кинотеатр и бюро кантор.

Attractions in HungaryEger. Cathedral

Кафедральный Собор в Эгере расположен на площади Eszterházy – единственное здание в городе, которое построено в стиле неоклассицизма, а церковь является второй в стране по величине. В летний день можно зайти в собор для того, чтобы насладиться потрясающими воображение концертами органной музыки.

Fortress mountain. Budapest. Fortress Quarter

Thanks to favorable conditions, King Bela VI lived here (in the 18th century). The fortress was built after the invasion of the Tatars and served as the place of his stay. On the territory of the fortress there are six museums, three churches, many buildings that have historical value, monuments, a square, a street, four hotels, a theater and many cozy restaurants, cheerful cafes, a souvenir shop and an art gallery. All this is part of the world heritage.

Attractions in HungaryRoyal Palace

The main symbol of the country, and the most important landmark of Hungary, which stood at the crossroads of conquest and warrior in the period of 18-20 centuries. Turks and Habsburgs lived here, devastation befell the castle three times, but each time it was rebuilt again, in the style corresponding to its time. It was given its final form of classicism after the war. The Ludwig Museum, the National Gallery, the Historical Museum, the Szechenyi Library are comfortably located on the territory of the fortress.

Freedom Bridge

Мост Йожефа Ференца в Будапеште – так изначально назывался мост Свободы, который был построен в 1899 году. После разрушения мостов в 1945 году, он тоже был разрушен, а в 1946 году снова отстроен, так как меньше всего пострадал. Во время последнего строительства моста все элементы украшения были сохранены.

Attractions in HungaryElisabeth Bridge, Budapest city

The Elizabeth Bridge was built in 1903 and until 1926 was the longest suspension bridge in the world. Queen Elisabeth, wife of Jozsef Ferens, was very beloved among the Hungarians. The Germans blew up the bridge in 1945. According to the designs of the builder Pala Shavoy, the bridge received its final form in 1964.

Freedom Monument

В 1947 году в Будапеште установлена скульптура высотой 14 метров, являющаяся произведением строителя Жигмонда Кишфалуди Штробля. Послевоенный период стал началом Господства советской власти, но памятник, который стоял на горе Геллерт новые власти не снесли, так как он с панорамой города составлял единое целое. У ног женщины с пальмовой веткой, стоят две другие скульптуры: первая – аллегория движения вперед, вторая – олицетворяет борьбу со злым духом.

MOM park

В сентябре 2001 года был открыт жилой парк, который занимает огромную территорию. Увеселительный и закупочный центр – такое название получили от Венгерского Завода Оптики, который раньше располагался здесь. Тамаш Нолл и Антал Пухл, проектанты парка, своим проектом подчеркнули лучшие традиции классического венгерского современного строительства.

St. Stephen's Park

Ensemble of modern construction between the two world wars. Appearance is a single picture. Some of the buildings were designed by different builders in the 30s. In the lobbies, builders often used elegant architectural solutions: exclusive elevators, marbled walls, hidden lighting and other curiosities.


On the banks of the Danube rises the largest building in the country - the place of the permanent meeting of the State Assembly. The ensemble of buildings was built according to the design of Imre Stendal in 1884-1902, who chose the neo-Gothic style. The structure consists of 691 rooms, its length is 268 meters, and the dome is 96 meters high. Relics belonging to the ritual of the Hungarian coronation are kept here: the mace of power, the crown of St. Stephen, and the saber of the Renaissance period.

Attractions in HungaryHeroes Square

Everyone arriving in Budapest is greeted on the square by a monument, the height of the central column of which is 36 meters, a sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel holding the Double Apostolic Cross and the Holy Crown is installed on top. A circular colonnade surrounds the column, and sculptures of historical heroes of Hungary are placed between the columns.

Pashareti Square

В 1933 году, согласно проекту Дюлы Риманоци, построили Монастырь и Падуайскую Церковь Святого Антала в стиле модерна. Поблизости находится великолепная вилла – Баняс, являющаяся шедевром Риманоцци.

fishermen's bastion

Near the Matthias Church, there is the building of the Fisherman's Bastion, the construction of which began in 1985 according to the project of Fridesh Schulek. This place was a medieval fish market. The building is made in neo-Romanesque style.

Sculptural monument of Saint Gellert

On the southern slope of Mount Gellert, near the Erzhibet bridge, there is a monument to Bishop Gellert, who, according to legend, was rolled in a barrel with nails driven into it in the 11th century for converting pagans. The beauty of the sculpture is colorfully emphasized by a natural source turning into a waterfall.

Central Market

The central market is the largest and most beautiful, built according to the design of Shamu Pets. It was restored in 1944 and is now a favorite place for tourists to shop. Nearby is the University of Economics.

Chain Bridge

The evening festive illumination of the first bridge in the capital and the mesmerizing view of the Budapest fortress attract many tourists. The period of construction of the bridge is 1839-1849, according to the project of William Clark and the namesake builder Adam Clark. After the war, in 1949 the bridge was rebuilt. By the way, it is one of the 10 most romantic bridges in the world.

Minorite Church, Eger

Церковь Минорита – самое высоченное здание в Эгере. Является самой красивой в Восточной Европе, построенной в стиле Барокко. Церковь украшена внутри превосходной резьбой по дереву. Церковь Минорита является великолепной достопримечательностью Эгера.

Most of the most significant sights of Hungary are located in the capital of the state - Budapest. However, in order to get to know all the historical subtleties of the country, it will take more than one month of travel around the homeland of the Magyars.

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