Holidays in St. Helena

Holidays in St. Helena

Остров Святой Елены является частью Англии, не смотря на то, что расположен достаточно далеко от нее и, просто поражает своей красотой. Остров святой Елены – это остров вулканического происхождения, расположенный в Атлантическом океане. После завоевания Англией территории острова там была организована колония, а в современное время там располагается островное государство. Климат острова постоянно подвергается влиянию моря и, поэтому там тепло, однако стоит отметить, что туман является частым явлением на территории острова.

Saint Helena gained fame all over the world thanks to the exile of Napoleon Bonaparte. He spent his last years of his life here. The main attraction of the island is the tomb of Napoleon, or to be more precise, what is left of it, because the remains of Napoleon were sent to France many years ago. However, despite this, a lot of tourists annually go to the island in order to see with their own eyes the house of Napoleon and his burial place. It is worth noting that in addition to this, there are a lot of interesting things on the island and it is worth seeing.

Geographically, the island is located between Africa and South America. It is quite difficult to get to it, however, a flight is organized especially for tourists, departing to the island and back. An amazing feature for tourists is that, despite the organization of the state on the island, there is one single city, which, among other things, is the capital of the state. The name of this city is Jamestown.

Holidays in St. Helena

If a tourist decides to stay on the island overnight, then a boarding house or a private house-hotel will be an excellent option for him. A night in a hotel will cost approximately 40-90 euros, depending on what conditions you prefer. For those who decide to save money, the boarding house will open its doors. Here the cost of a night is 55 euros. If the traveler wants to stay on the island for several days, then the best option for him would be to rent a room and a local resident. In this case, a day's stay will cost about 30 euros.

Among other things, a variety of excursions are organized on the island, most of which are carried out on open buses. So, for example, history buffs will like a tour based on the life of Napoleon during his exile. However, the most popular type of excursion among foreign tourists is a boat trip during which you can enjoy the stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, explore the coastline, and also watch the life of dolphins.

When people first find themselves on St. Helena, it seems to them that life there is boring and not interesting. However, in fact, the population of the island is very active. This can be seen by visiting a variety of holidays organized by local residents.

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