Курорт Крыма – Бахчисарай. Путешествие на Чуфут-Кале

Crimean resorts - Bakhchisaray. Journey to Chufut Qale

So much has been written and said about the sights and wonders of the Crimean peninsula. Many travelers have passed through the mountains and Crimean roads. And how many archeological excavations and historical places were explored. But the Crimea will remain a mysterious and attractive, and not fully explored place.

What you need to know about Bakhchisaray

The old town is a small narrow streets and buildings, lined with nothing fixed masonry. Many houses are nestled under the rocks. Right in the rocks are knocked out utility rooms. Only choosing to rest in Bakhchisarai you can see as a white, fabulous ledge of rock, stretched valley, in the center of which rises the amazing beauty of Khan's palace.

The Monastery of the Assumption is carved into the rock. The windows of the monastery are also carved into the rock. Don't be surprised if you come across monks and novices. The monastery is active and regular services are held in the church.

Take a rest at the spring, which is located on the territory of the monastery. The water is insanely delicious and cool. It's as if you are drinking living water, and the power is flowing throughout your body. Be sure to pour this life-giving nectar with you on the road. It will give you strength and quench your thirst perfectly.

По пути, гора зеленого цвета, с ползущей вверх змейкой, широкой полосой дороги. Плоское плато, и, многоцветье гор. И, конечно, великолепный воздух. Вдохните – голова кругом, будто паришь в воздухе.

Rest in Bakhchisaray

Crimean resorts - Bakhchisaray. Journey to Chufut Qale

Let's move on. You will see a sight that is astonishing and awe-inspiring. You won't see that anywhere else. You can go into any of the apartments and see how our ancestors survived. This begs the question: What kind of miracle worker could have created all this. Truly, human ingenuity is limitless.

One of the caves is occupied by a church. An altar is still preserved.

It's much easier and faster to go down. But, there is a great opportunity to come back here more than once. We assure you, you will want to come here more than once.

Where to stay in Bakhchisaray

Неподалеку от Бахчисарая находится теплое Крымское море с чистейшими пляжами, все это сопровождается гостеприимным солнцем и сочными фруктами – для каждого туриста это может стать действительно оздоровительной терапией. Подчеркивают все это и гостиницы в Бахчисарае, способные напомнить восточную атмосферу. При этом, учитывая все курортные факторы, стоимость подобного жилья остается вполне доступной. Однако, необходимо помнить, что, особенно в разгар сезона, бронировать жилье необходимо заблаговременно, что позволит избежать долгих пеших прогулок в поисках подходящего места отдыха на несколько отпускных дней, а уже с первых минут насладиться долгожданным отдыхом.

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