Childbirth in the U.S.: prices, where to give birth, pros and cons

Childbirth in the U.S.: prices, where to give birth, pros and cons
If giving birth in America used to seem like a pipe dream to many parents, it has recently become a reality. Today, the cost of delivery in the U.S. is as close as possible to the price of medical care in a good (elite) metropolitan maternity hospital.

Perinatal tourism attracts not only the high level of medicine, but also the possibility of a newborn child obtaining American citizenship. These and many other points will be discussed in detail in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of giving birth in the United States

In search of a better life for their offspring, parents-to-be are already thinking about having a child in another country, namely the United States, when planning a pregnancy. The main advantages of such an endeavor are:

  • Dual citizenship. When a child reaches the age of 18, he or she decides for himself or herself which country he or she wants to remain a citizen of.
  • Climatic conditions. If you have to give birth in Russia in the fall and winter, why not change the harsh climate for a more comfortable one. In Miami, for example, it is warm all year round.
  • The level of medicine. American prices are not much different from Russian private clinics, but the attitude to patients is radically different, and the professionalism of doctors and the level of medical equipment is at a high level.
  • Terms. A woman giving birth in an American hospital feels like a queen. She has a separate room with all the amenities, 24-hour medical supervision, postpartum support. In Russia, the treatment of women in labor is harsher.
  • Prestige. Not every woman can boast of giving birth abroad. There is an opportunity to approach the level of foreign and Russian celebrities. If finances allow, why not?

Delivering a baby in Miami

By their decision to give birth in the U.S. parents open the way to a bright future for their child from the first days of life. But this desire also has its own disadvantages, about which it is better to learn in advance - even before the paperwork and departure:

  • Language barrier. Not everyone understands what the birther is saying. Many American states have entire Russian-speaking neighborhoods, so this disadvantage is relative.
  • The cost of the issue. The cost of childbirth in the U.S. significantly affects the budget, especially if it is limited. Therefore, not everyone can afford this pleasure, but only Russian citizens with a stable income above average.
  • A long flight (more than 10 hours). In this matter, everything depends on the state of health of the expectant mother. It is necessary to find out how she tolerates the flight, how the pregnancy goes, are there any medical contraindications to this kind of travel.
  • Medical errors. Medical malpractice can also be found in Russia, so the United States is not the only country where you occasionally encounter incompetent staff. Medical errors are sometimes fatal, which is important to keep in mind when choosing a particular specialist.

Weigh all the pros and cons and have an individual consultation with a leading gynecologist. Only then decide whether to give birth in the U.S., or whether it is better to give birth in a good maternity hospital in Russia.

American citizenship: the blue dream of future parents

There is no need to hide that the main argument in favor of giving birth in the United States is American citizenship. The Constitution of this country in Amendment 14 states: if a child is born in the U.S., he or she is considered a full-fledged citizen. It does not matter if the parents came to America legally or not. This is where the main benefits of American citizenship are worth thinking about, including:

  • ObamaCare health insurance;
  • free education in colleges, universities in the United States;
  • the opportunity to receive a scholarship (athletic, points-based);
  • visa-free regime in 170 countries;
  • the opportunity to issue citizenship to relatives (after the age of 21).

Prospects are bright and attractive, it remains only to allocate from the family budget 20-50 thousand dollars, which is the price of childbirth in the U.S. and U.S. citizenship for a newborn.

What is the best state to give birth in in the United States?

It is difficult for a Russian to decide in which of the 50 states it is best to give birth. The choice is a dizzying experience. The experience of young families shows that Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, and Miami, where there is a large Russian and Ukrainian diaspora, including many experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, are the best.

Childbirth in the United States

Features of these cities in terms of perinatal tourism:

  • Los Angeles, California. It is a sunny city in southern California, where giving birth is also very prestigious, but expensive. The legendary Hollywood is nearby for a reason. Prices are exorbitant, including medicine, real estate and services.
  • Miami (Florida). In terms of value for money and quality of services - this is the best option available to Russian women in labor with a stable income above average. The climate is mild, there are fewer problems with registration of citizenship, and the environment is in good condition.
  • Salt Lake City. If parents-to-be want to save money, you can give birth in Salt Lake City. Birth prices here are lower than in Miami, and the medical statistics are better.

According to statistics, more babies are born in California and New York, which once again proves the experience and competence of medical personnel and the level of medical services.

What do I need to give birth in America?

Many pregnant women are frightened by the bureaucratic issues that have to be solved before the trip. Such complications cannot be avoided, so, the expectant mother is better not to be nervous, and connect the happy father.

That's what you need to take care of in advance:

  • Obtaining a visa. If the trip is solely for medical services, it is sufficient to obtain a tourist visa type B1/B2. As the official waiting time is 300 days, it is important to take care of getting the document in advance. Tourist visa can be issued only in Moscow, in other Russian cities this service is subject to sanctions.
  • Renting an apartment in the United States. After giving birth, a mother and her newborn baby will have to live in the U.S. for up to 2 months. Cheap motel is not suitable, the baby needs conditions, and his mother - the development of infrastructure nearby. In this case, it is desirable to use the services of a professional realtor, who will advise a decent area and orient the rates. Do not rent a place without a contract: you risk becoming a victim of black realtors, of which there are as many in the United States as in Russia.
  • Buying tickets (flight). Determining the exact date of departure is realistic. The optimal period for the flight is 32 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. But the situation with the return from abroad is more complicated. You may have to be delayed in the U.S., so pay for a flight reschedule service in advance. In 2018, the cost was $100; it hasn't changed significantly in 2019.
  • Medical indications. A leading gynecologist can help determine the possibility and the best time for such an overseas trip. Only he will tell how a pregnant woman will tolerate the flight, at what age it is better to go to America for the addition to the family. Doctor's recommendations in this matter is better not to violate.
  • Budget. Calculate everything to the smallest detail, take the money with a reserve. Force majeure has never been eliminated. You will have to pay for utilities, transportation, meals, pediatrician, etc. You should not rule out unforeseen expenses. Any force majeure during childbirth is also paid extra.

Documents for a child

This is the second important point after the question of how much it costs to give birth in the United States. After all, parents are counting on their offspring to get American citizenship. Required documents:

  • parents' passports;
  • marriage certificate;
  • an excerpt from a medical institution.

The first two documents are enough for a child to obtain Russian citizenship. Remember: if the father with the passport is not in the U.S., a notarized copy of his main document is required.

Where should I give birth: in a maternity hospital or in a hospital?

В США есть 2 варианта, где рожать, – в госпитале или роддоме. Прежде чем определиться с выбором, изучите предложения и возможности каждого медицинского учреждения.

Hospital and childbirth in the United States

These are multidisciplinary clinics with professionals and state-of-the-art equipment. There are accredited specialists in various fields (in gynecology they are pediatricians, obstetricians, anesthesiologists, etc.). There will be a contract with a gynecologist for the delivery and a contract with the hospital for an individual room. Depending on the labor, you may need additional services of other specialists, whose work is also paid for separately.

In the hospital, a woman is given a separate room with all the amenities (TV, shower, toilet, couch, bed, air conditioning, etc.). Everything is provided for the comfort of the expectant mother. I am also pleased with the friendliness and professionalism of nurses, who earn good money in hospitals, who treat their work responsibly.

The price of delivery in this case is $3,000-4,000. The price includes labor management, monitoring of the woman 48 hours after delivery. For that amount of money you can find more favorable offers, such as food, medications, etc., in addition to the aforementioned services. If you have to stay at the hospital longer, you have to pay $1,000 for each subsequent day.

Childbirth in the United States

These are the points that are important to focus on when choosing a hospital:

  • Location. It is desirable that the rented accommodation is nearby, because you will have to come to the doctor's appointment more than once, and "by ambulance" in the birth of a woman in the U.S. is not delivered to the maternity hospital.
  • Choice of specialist. Do not skimp on the doctor who will deliver your baby. Study the reputation of each obstetrician-gynecologist, focusing on experience, professionalism, and testimonials from grateful women in labor.
  • Price of services. You will have to pay for the delivery in any case. Study the price list beforehand and the list of services that are included in one price or another. Determine the best option for your case.

A maternity hospital in the United States

In this case there is minimalism. Private maternity hospitals are less popular and in demand, both by American and Russian women in labor. They are staffed by midwives, and do not always have modern medical equipment. If you are sure that the birth will take place without pathology, you can sign a contract with a maternity hospital. The cost of services is $4,500. You do not pay for a room, only for the delivery and pregnancy care. All in all, it is profitable, and there will be less extra expenses.

There is only one, but important nuance: if something goes wrong during labor, the woman is rushed to the hospital, where they provide a full range of paid services. Is it worth the risk? Maybe it is better to sign a contract with a hospital and not to doubt the reliability of the hands in which a woman in labor falls. The hospital does not even perform C-sections and anesthesia, there is no intensive care or neonatology.

How does the birth take place?

Если у женщины неожиданно начались схватки, первое, что нужно сделать, – позвонить врачу и собираться в госпиталь. Готовить пакеты с приданым для матери и ребенка нет нужды, все необходимое она получит после прибытия. Чтобы мониторить частоту и интенсивность схваток, подключается аппарат КТГ. Врачи действуют быстро и оперативно, ни на минуту не оставляют роженицу, с которой предварительно заключили договор. Далее рассматривается 2 варианта родоразрешения желанию будущей мамы:

  • Natural childbirth. A woman is willing to endure pain and comply with all medical recommendations so that her baby would be born naturally. Natural childbirth in the United States is gradually losing its relevance due to the fear of pain and spoiled expectant mothers.
  • Cesarean section. Planned surgery is performed even if there are no medical indications. It is the woman in labor's decision, and doctors do not violate it. You will have to pay for the C-section separately, and the anesthesiologist's services are not free.

It only remains to add that not only the husband can be present at the birth, but also a whole support group. Everyone whom the mother-to-be wants to see at this difficult moment is free to enter the delivery room and provide moral support without 5 minutes for the new mother. Official proof of kinship is not required.

After childbirth and going home

So the baby is born. The work of the obstetrician-gynecologist is finished, all the clauses of the contract are fulfilled. Next we have to choose a pediatrician, who examines the newborn in the room, gives valuable advice to the young mother. After discharge, the pediatrician does not come home, but assigns 3-4 visits to the hospital. The attendance is obligatory. The cost of one visit to the pediatrician varies from $300 to $500, depending on what is included in the range of services provided.

If there are no health problems of the mother and child, you can go home (7-8 days after delivery). To cross the border, you need the child's passport and copies of airline tickets. The name of the newborn should be put on the ticket, which should be individually requested by the airline staff.

Approximate rates for parents-to-be

To get an idea of how much you will have to deal with, check the price list of one of the hospitals in Miami:

A natural childbirth in a hospital, including anesthesia and a room stay, ranges from $8,000 to $10,000;
Cesarean section with postoperative care - from $12,000;
birth of twins (twins) - additional $4,000 to the base amount;
natural childbirth in a maternity hospital - $4,500;
Pediatrician services - $200-300 per visit;
Roundtrip flight for 1 person - from $ 800;
Rental housing - from $2,000;
Newborn baby paperwork - from $650;

Prices are approximate and vary depending on the choice of U.S. state for the upcoming delivery, the rating of the hospital and the particular specialist, the characteristics of the pregnancy (the presence of abnormalities, 1 or 2 children, other). For example, the quoted budget for a trip to Salt Lake City for delivery will be lower by 20-30%.
If you do decide to give birth in the United States, think carefully about all the nuances, and begin making progress toward your goal while planning your pregnancy.

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