Green Card Insurance

Green Card Insurance

Green Card insurance is an analogue of the domestic OSAGO, however, which is distributed not only in Russia, but also abroad, namely in European countries and the countries of the former CIS (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan). This policy allows you to insure the civil liability of the driver outside the Russian Federation, and most importantly, to get to any country in Europe in your car.

Where can I get a Green Card?

A "Green Card" or, as it is also called, a Green Card, is issued by any insurance company for at least 15 days. It is important to note that if your trip lasts only a few days, you still have to take out insurance for 15 days. Any insurance company is ready to offer a "green card" service to each client, but online opportunities should not be ruled out - issuing insurance online. Another good bonus is that the "green card" is purchased at any point on the border of an EU or CIS country.

How much does a green card cost?

The cost of issuing any "green card" pole on the territory of all insurance companies is practically the same, since the tariffs are set by the same Russian Union of Motor Insurers. In the future, the established prices are approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia. These rates tend to change monthly on the 15th. It is noteworthy that earlier the price was revised once per quarter, but due to the unstable growth of the Russian ruble, they decided to do this activity more often. The price of insurance most often depends on the following factors:

  1. length of stay in another country;
  2. type of vehicle;
  3. country chosen for travel.

You should know that an insurance policy for trucks costs an order of magnitude more expensive than cars. At the same time, motorcycles and similar modes of transport are half the price of cars. Also, for drivers who are going to travel to such former CIS countries as Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Azerbaijan, the trip will cost much less than those who wish to stay on the territory of the EU states.

Как вы уже знаете, минимальное количество дней оформления «зеленой карты» – 15, а их стоимость варьируется от 2200 до 2500 рублей в Евросоюз, и 700-800 рублей на территорию вышеназванных стран СНГ. The Green Card should be issued no later than a month before your trip, otherwise you will not be able to pick up the documents on time and get abroad.

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