Dudhsagar Falls - the Heart of GOA

Dudhsagar Falls - the Heart of GOA

GOA is the smallest state in India, but it is here that the most famous resorts of this country are located. Spacious beaches, many restaurants, hotels for all tastes and wallets, wild jungle - all this can be found when you visit the GOA.

One of the main attractions of the GOA is the Dudhsagar waterfall. This waterfall is amazing. Its length is more than 600 kilometers. The scenic nature of this place is given by the stepping of the waterfall and the incredible vegetation around it.

The name of the waterfall is translated as "milky ocean. The waterfall got such an unusual name because of the foamy rivers of water. The foam streams are formed when the water hits the rocks, as a result, it seems that the water has a white hue. But there is also a beautiful legend about the name of the waterfall: a young princess was bathing in the waterfall, but suddenly a prince appeared, and to hide her nakedness, the beauty poured milk into the water, making it cloudy.

The easiest way to get to the waterfall is by jeep, but without a hike to the waterfall itself can not do. The road lies through the beautiful protected areas of GOA, on the way to the waterfall you can fully enjoy the flora and fauna of these places. Also traditionally all the tours to the Dudhsagar Falls stop at the historic temple Mahadev. This temple was built in the 12th century and is the only example of pre-Portuguese temple architecture.

On the hike you can feed directly from the hands of funny monkeys. They happily wait for tourists with treats. But not only monkeys are waiting for a treat, you can also feed the fish that live in the lake at the foot of the waterfall.

Dudhsagar Falls - the Heart of GOA

Место, где расположен водопад Дудхсагар является одним из самых живописных в Индии. Его красота завораживает. Вы сможете не только полюбоваться природой, но и увидеть гениальное строение человека – железная дорога сквозь водопад. А если вам посчастливится, то вы даже увидите поезд, проезжающий посредине водопада Дудхсагар.

Almost no tourist refuses to take a water treatment in the clear waters of Dudhsagar. Bathing with a natural hydromassage will relieve fatigue and give new strength.

The best time to travel to the falls is November, during this time, not afraid of heat or monsoon rains, and you can enjoy the beauty of this place to the full.

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