The best vacation in Egypt: a vacation with character

If you were lucky enough to become the owner of a trip to Egypt, then we should say at once that you are very lucky! After all, people come here not just for the beach fun. They come here in order to be imbued with a mystical life.

Those who have ever been to this wonderful country have probably noticed that while you are living in Arab land, the hands of the clock slow down, as if time stood still. Some say that it is like a mirage, and some can not find an explanation. What is there to compare, you need to go and try this miracle of nature and The best vacation in Egypt on myself.

Egypt, without a doubt, is the most mystical country of the two continents in the whole world. More than 5 thousand years BC at the source of the Nile a state was first formed, the head of which was a pharaoh. Over the centuries, Egypt has suffered, great upheaval it has not once tried to recapture and destroy, but whatever the efforts and efforts it was not done, Egypt majestically continues to delight us with its immortality.

The geographical position served to bring crowds of people to Egypt to begin to live and prosper, but this has not changed to the present day, even now Egypt is considered the most populous country. Each inhabitant for centuries tried to leave an echo of culture and tradition of its people.

If you look at Egypt from a bird's eye view, we get a stunning picture, which is the best vacation in Egypt: the Mediterranean and Red Sea boundlessly washed by sandy shores of amazing beauty, and Suez Canal as the guardian of the delimits the water flows between them, thus opening the way to the more fierce waters of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

Среди песчаных дюн открывается великолепный ландшафт и таинственные пирамиды. По поверью: под этими песчаными пирамидами находиться ключ от нашего подсознания. Многие туристы до сих пор твердо верят этому писанию древних народов и стремятся познать глубины истоков. Пирамиды Гизы, Долина царей и цариц помогают в этом. Чтобы ознакомиться с памятниками средневековья то лучше выбрать курс в – Старый Каир, Луксор и Абу – Симбле.

Cairo - this is where the most mysterious pyramids of Giza were built, they were created to bury important people of Egypt. Despite the fact that many thousands of years have passed, the pyramids have retained their original appearance. Scientists can not solve the mystery of construction, even having a high-class technology. In addition to the tombs under the vaults of the pyramids are countless riches. Those who dared to sneak outside the pyramids a particle of jewels will be punished by unprecedented power.

The best vacation in Egypt: a vacation with character Sphinx Pyramid - it is also located in Cairo and is located in the same ensemble as the pyramids of Giza. The architectural monument has become a real "crossword puzzle" for scientists. Every scientist is trying to solve the mystery of the construction of this four-legged monument with a human face. During the wars they tried to bomb this architectural masterpiece, it was repeatedly covered with sand during sandstorms and as you see, it proudly withstood all adversities, staring in the direction of the rising sun.

Эйлатский залив – потрясающий залив, который прославился тем, что тут вода необыкновенного цвета. Она имеет несколько оттенков синего цвета днем вода зеленовато – синего вечеров темно бирюзового цвета. Коралловые рифы придают заливу некую изюминку. Сюда съезжаются туристы для того чтобы заняться дайвингом к тому же на этом цены более доступные нежели в других курортных городах и поселков Египта.

A word of advice to everyone!

Если вы все-таки решитесь ехать сюда, то что бы прочувствовать лучший отдых в Египте стоит предпочесть осень и зиму – в это время море и погодные условия самые благоприятные, нежели летом когда жаркое солнце и песок безжалостно пекут голову и ноги.

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