Medical advice for travelers

Medical advice for travelers

Going on a long voyage, you should pay special attention to preparing the travel kit and your body for the trip. And while in developed Europe and the U.S., with insurance, there should be no problems with qualified medical care, in Latin America, Asia and Africa, this issue in the first place in relevance.

In many third-world countries, there is a possibility of contracting yellow fever. Tourists are advised to get vaccinated in advance, especially since without a certificate of vaccination there may be problems with the visa.

В Юго-Восточной Азии и Африке наибольшую опасность для туристов представляет малярия. Болезнь переносят комары, поэтому врачи настоятельно рекомендуют запастись репеллентами, спать в помещениях с москитными сетками на окнах и носить одежду с длинным рукавом. Прививок от малярии до сих пор не существует, единственное средство для профилактики – это таблетки (например, Делагил).

In Asia, vaccinations against hepatitis A and B, as well as against typhoid and tetanus, would also be helpful. But the most important prerequisite for global health safety is cleanliness. Doctors recommend using only bottled water in all trips or travels, washing hands as often as possible and using antiseptics to treat hands. And pre-prepared first aid kit (with all the necessary medications) will be a condition of psychological comfort on the road!

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