Holidays in Malta

Holidays in Malta

Even if your tiredness has reached such a degree that your most cherished dream is a complete disconnection from all thoughts and leisurely time on the beach, a vacation in Malta, located in the heart of the affable Mediterranean Sea, will fully realize your quite natural fantasy.

There's plenty of beaches in Malta. There are corners for every taste, and the sea on everything is calm and gentle. And what can not fail to please, the heat here is quite bearable. In winter the thermometer does not fall below 15 degrees Celsius, and in summer rarely exceeds 35. In general, the ideal place for a year-round holiday, although the most comfortable bathing season is from May to November.

Holidays in Malta are irreplaceable because it is a harmonious combination of a rich culture, coupled with all the charms of a decent holiday, which so requires a tired body after a year. By the way, as for the sights of Malta: the number of unique monuments with this state no other country in the world, despite its rather modest size.

However, you may be surprised to learn that there is very little vegetation on Malta - this is true. It is hindered by the limestone hulk of the island and invariably strong winds. Therefore, if you want to plant a tree in Malta, you have to cut a hole right in the limestone and then put the greenery there immediately along with the soil, just like that.

В общем, на шикарные парки и сады на Мальте рассчитывать не приходится. Однако не стоит расстраиваться, помните – это единственный минус этого чудесного острова, который с лихвой компенсируется множество достоинств Мальты. Например, как раз из-за известняка на острове запрещено применять любые химические удобрения, поэтому все, что здесь произрастает – является действительно экологически чистым. Так, не откажите себе в удовольствии попробовать экологически чистый мед. Данный продуктом Мальта славится на весь мир, что и говорить, если в честь меда остров получил свое название.

Holidays in MaltaВ целом жизнь на Мальте размеренная и неторопливая, Вы быстро прочувствуете эту атмосферу. Возвращаясь к разговору о пляжах Мальты, хочется отметить особенности купания в местных водах – плавание абсолютно безопасно: здесь нет не только хищных рыб, но даже приливы и отливы практически отсутствуют.

So tourists can safely enjoy a full holiday: the bustling city beaches, and more secluded bays and coves, located in the neighborhood. By the way, almost every hotel in Malta has its own private beach, and for outsiders there is a paid entrance. Here this approach has long been common practice.

Holidays in Malta, vacationers often prefer rocky beaches. And the reason is not only because it is easy to sit comfortably sunbathing, but also because it is surprisingly clean, clear water, which just want to dive in with his head.

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