Lake Balaton

Lake Balaton

Золотым местом Венгрии является озеро Балатон. При одном его упоминании сразу представляется все разнообразие богатой природы, теплый песчаный пляж, руины и крепости на берегах, а также винные погреба, которые встречаются здесь в бесчисленном количестве. Балатон – это первое по размерам пресноводное озеро в Центральной и западной Европе.

It warms up the water very quickly, so the bathing season is usually open from spring to late fall. The soft water and the southern microclimate allows you to take a full dip and feel like you are at a resort by the sea. Lake Balaton is considered the most visited place in Europe. And this is due not only to clean water and warm weather. The place is full of idyll, wonderful hospitality, as well as the extraordinary cleanliness of the environment. Not far from the shores of Lake Balaton there are small towns that stretch all along the coast. They impress with the abundance of flowers and green parks. But the lakeshore is popular not only for its beautiful scenery. Also among the beautiful and picturesque places, among the forests and vineyards, you can find real mysterious and romantic places, whose historical spirit can be felt with every breath, filling your body with a spectrum of positive emotions.

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