Отели в Марселе – изюминке Франции

France is a magnificent country, which gives a whole world of romance, festive feelings and vivid perception of beauty. To visit France means to plunge into a completely different world in which love and happiness reign. But it is impossible to visit such a fabulous country, and not to visit Marseille. After all, this city is one of the brightest representatives of its territory and hotels in Marseille do everything for tourists to be really interesting.

Marseille is known for its rich history dating back to the distant 600 BC. It owes its fame in those ancient times to the Hellenes. Now Marseille has transformed and turned into a truly magnificent museum city, which with each year only grows stronger and more beautiful and does not lose its natural charm. It reflects its strength and power in the waters of the Gulf of Lyon, which affectionately embraces its shores.

Marseille has a beautiful location, secluded and bounded by the Mediterranean Sea. This coastline is rugged with rocky bays, and with proud hills, it takes on a flowing and malleable shape that you can enjoy. hotels in Marseille. All this makes it possible to fully appreciate the beauty and power of sailing, diving and windsurfing that reigns here. The amateurs and professionals of these sports gather here every year and participate in competitions, battling the elements and enjoying the beauty of Marseille.

Но не только морские просторы, ограждающие территорию этого чудесного города, привлекают путешественников в эти края. Как же прекрасно прогуляться по узким городским улочкам и ощутить себя самим графом Монте-Кристо. Ведь именно он, когда-то бродил по этим местам. А сейчас здесь снимают множество киношедевров режиссеры, вдохновленные исторической насыщенностью города и красотой его местных пейзажей. А если пройти по этим улочкам, ступив на крутые лестницы, то можно выйти к самой главной достопримечательности города – Старому порту. Этот порт окружен формами св. Николая и Иоанна. В миле от этого порта находится еще одна великая достопримечательность, которая привлекает туристов, – это знаменитый замок Иф, раскинувший свою мощь на просторах Фриульских островов.

Hotels in Marseille, the highlight of France If you want to plunge into the very antiquity of the great city, you should also visit the Romanesque-Byzantine Basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde. This basilica was built in the 19th century between 1853 and 1864. It stands on the site of an old chapel in which ships were blessed. The basilica was built at the expense of local residents. Of particular interest in this construction is the nine-meter statue of the Virgin Mary on top of the basilica and the eight-ton bell, which reaches two and a half meters in height.

And another not insignificant advantage of Marseille is that you will always be understood, no matter what language you speak. This hospitable area and hotels in Marseille will always delight you not only with its attractions, but also with friendly people. You're sure to enjoy a variety of fish dishes, thanks to the abundance of fish in the surrounding waters.

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