Good riddance

Good riddance

Вот он и настал, этот долгожданный момент, о котором мы мечтали весь год сидя в уютных офисах – отпуск!Совсем скоро вы будете сидеть в автомобиле, самолете, или в каюте корабля, смотреть в окошко и надеяться, что уж на этот раз вам точно не придется всю дорогу страдать от укачивания. Итак, дадим вам парочку советов наших путешественников, как доехать без приключений до места вашего отдыха.

Surprisingly, absolutely everyone is prone to motion sickness, both children and adults. So now we will give you a couple of ways to avoid the discomfort of motion sickness while traveling.

First, you have to choose a more comfortable seat where you don't feel the shaking as much. On a bus, this seat is next to the driver; on a ship, it's in the middle; on an airplane, it's between the wings. Naturally, you should sit in the direction of travel. Look out the window at objects that are far away and do not look at objects that change quickly. Also, make sure that fresh air is constantly circulating around you.

Many of us like to sit down to our favorite. A book on a trip, but you should remember that it creates difficulties for your vestibular apparatus. It is much better for your body if you sleep or daydream.

You should not fill your stomach with heavy food before the trip. In a couple of hours, just eat fruit or cereal, light snacks.

Have a safe trip!

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